Tell Yourself a Secret ~ 21 Aug 2012

Go Ahead. Tell yourself a secret... a really important secret. With four astrological signatories soon sliding into Scorpio, could there be a better time? Mars enters Scorpio on Thursday. The north nodes take the plunge on August 30th, retrograding in from the other side of the sign. Saturn sets sail in Scorpio on October 5th with the banner of the messenger Mercury at his side.

Then of course, Scorpio time begins in late October and is reenforced by Venus entering Scorpio in late November.

So back to the secret agenda. Tell yourself a life-changing, consciousness-evolving secret. You know, like the kind of thing you really want to do with your life, but you’re too embarrassed to admit to anyone... and maybe even yourself. Admit you have passions and an inner drive that are nearly beyond the beyond. Admit that things matter - in fact everything matters - that is everything that captures your attention. The hell with being envious of those who succeed. Exact your revenge... that’s right - live well, live great, live creative, live full of passion and fully apply all your God-given talents. That’s the way she wants it to be.

Dive into the depths of the seas of creative passion that the essence of Scorpio oversees. Enjoy the ability to endure and persevere these evocative depths much to the envy of James Cameron and his deep ocean diving machines. You could even think of the secrets as priority matters to be added to the top of your bucket list. Before you get out of this incarnation, you want to be sure you really live. You know, it’s that “live every day as if it is your last” mentality. One day that will be true, and when that day comes, those who have held nothing back can depart with no regrets over opportunities missed or creative attributes ignored.

Commencing Thursday, test the waters with Mars for about six weeks. But be clear this is more than sticking your toe into a bath. There can be no tentativeness about anything done. Put it out there. Then the fun part: wait. Mars doesn’t like to wait, nor does Scorpio, though it claims eternal patience. Wait anyway for the first responses and pieces of feedback to come your way. Do not prod, call, check, double-dip the action or bother those on the receiving end of your efforts and pitches. Avoid the urge to coerce a cooperative response, manipulate the outcome or control the flow of life. You have entered the no-badger zone.

If you push, you may as well run after a horse, or devote your life to herding cats.

Should the response indicate an unfavorable reply, ask yourself if what you dished out was over the top, too intense, or downright scary. It may be that the intensity might need to be throttled back. Throttling back is not a compromise per se, it’s a matter of adjusting your output to a level others can accept.

With a sense of how your latest and greatest offering is likely to go over, bring the lunar nodes onboard. Define the dharma.

The true lunar nodes move into Scorpio on August 30 (GMT) where they will remain through mid-February 2014. Based upon the ideas considered and philosophies pondered since March 3, 2011 with the nodes in Sagittarius, you should know what you believe and where you stand on any issue. If not, get off the dang fence and secure yourself an operational belief system within the next ten days. With a clear platform in mind, now it’s time to pursue one’s heart desire with relentless abandon. The nodes point the initial course direction, and with applied effort, an opportunity slightly oblique and enigmatically appealing may appear. You’ll know it when you feel it.

That done, there’s only one thing left to do. Enact the long term plan. That would be the domain of Saturn. Without a doubt Saturn stands ready to support those with focused plans and sails full of unlimited creative vigor.

In a nutshell, here’s the long term plan...

Set an eight-day testing interval of putting yourself out there in the biggest way possible once and for all.

Starting on the 30th of August reset your focus to include the results of the Mars test and the burning desire inside to do what you’ve always known you had to do. Commit to this focused trajectory through the middle of February 2014.

Apply a two and a half year “conquer inertia” campaign based upon unshakeable inner resolve. Make resolute, determined, devoted and self-disciplined some of your favorite words. Figure that once the last of October rolls around, you’ll know what your passion work is (which may not be the thing you do to generate income) and the time until December of 2014 supports getting this work in the air and up to initial cruising altitude. Saturn retrogrades in the middle of 2015. After some of the heaviness of the task burns off and you grow into the role, additional adjustments will be made.

You don’t have to tell anyone what you intend to do... unless they are directly involved, or according to Saturn, your effort places temporal or economic demands upon them. But tell yourself. Keep your cards close until you know with impeccable confidence that it is time to shout your talents to the world.

Shed shyness and false modesty. Shed any confining attitudes and tight-skinned ideas that prohibit your efforts. Molting is fun.